Motoring Offences
Caveat Solicitors have a wealth of experience in representing clients who are charged with motoring offences in motoring courts. We are well equipped to work with you to give the best possible chance of a favourable legal outcome. Being found Guilty of a Motoring Offence could have a detrimental impact on your career and life. It is important you seek legal advice if you are alleged to have committed such an offence.
Offences for which you can be charged with include:
- Driving over Prescribed Alcohol Limit
- Failing to provide a specimen
- Speeding
- Driving without Due Care and Attention
- Failing to stop after an accident
- Many other motoring offences
Why Caveat Solicitors
We have an experienced team who will provide advice on what happens next and represent you at each stage of the process.
A profile of our immigration solicitors is provided on our “Our Team” page with details of their qualifications and accreditations and where applicable examples of cases they have dealt with.
We have vast experience in many cases such as this and are able to provide expert advice on all matters. We have access to specialist barristers in these areas who we can instruct on your behalf.
Our fees for dealing with motoring offences will vary depending on whether the plea is Guilty or Not Guilty and the number of court hearings involved.
Our fees will typically include:
• Considering evidence
• Taking your instructions
• Advising on the strengths and weaknesses of the case against you
• Providing advice in relation to your plea and likely sentence
• Discussing with you where exceptional circumstances, or special reasons arguments should be made to the court
• Representation at court.
• Considering whether expert evidence is required.
• Considering the barrister most suited for a case such as yours.
We offer both fixed fees and hourly rates services.
We charge Value Added Tax (VAT) to all our services at the current rate of 20%. VAT at the rate of 20% may also apply to disbursements incurred on your behalf.
Fixed Fee Rates:
Representation at a first court appearance - £500 plus VAT
- Request of papers from the Crown Prosecution Service
- Court representation in a single hearing at the Magistrates Court to include instructions at court
- Advice and correspondence to confirm the outcome, and advice on next steps.
Conference and representation at first court appearance £800 plus VAT
- Advance request of papers from the Crown Prosecution Service.
- Considering evidence.
- 1 hour appointment to take instructions.
- Letter of advice.
- Representation in a single hearing at the Magistrates Court
- Advice and letter confirming the outcome, and advice on next steps.
- Price information on any additional services, such as obtaining witness statements, sourcing expert witnesses or advising on an appeal as appropriate will be provided
Representation at the Magistrate Court for first court appearance and Trial, should you plead Not Guilty to the offence - £1500 - £2000 plus VAT
- Preparation of all your case documents including Proof of Evidence (instructions), Defence Case Statement and any legal applications/ skeleton arguments we intend to make to Court.
- Conferences as deemed necessary, preferably in person but alternatively over the phone or Microsoft Teams/Zoom.
- Tracing possible Defence Witnesses and obtaining their statements. This may include any persons present, as well as character witnesses.
- Advice as to possible expert evidence. Also instructing an expert if necessary.
- Determining if there are any abuse of process/legal arguments/ application to dismiss arguments and submitting them accordingly.
- Consideration of all case papers and relevant documents.
- Liaising with the Court and Crown Prosecution Service to ensure effective preparation of your case.
The above fees do NOT include Counsel fees and other Disbursements, such as instructing an expert.
The above fees are fixed and include the items detailed above, however there may be factors which would typically increase the cost of the fees involved in your case. Where there is likely to be any additional cost, we will make sure you are informed of this at the earliest opportunity and a clear estimate of those extra costs will be provided.
We undertake all of the work not included in the fixed fee on an hourly rate basis, these rates are exclusive of VAT. Our hourly rates are as follows:-
• £250 per hour for a solicitor of more than 8 years qualification
• £220 per hour for a solicitor of more than 4 years qualification
• £180 per hour for all other solicitors
• £125 per hour for paralegals and trainee solicitors.
Time Scales
The listing of your hearing is determined by the Court and we are not always able to provide timescales for this. The timescales will also be dependent on whether you intend to plead Guilty or Not Guilty in your matter.
Please note the anticipated fees are an estimate based on the information above. Applications may vary and of course, we can give you a more accurate estimate once we have more information about your specific case.